April 12, 2009

Segway & GM Announce The PUMA Mini Electric Vehicle

General Motors and Segway, purveyors of transportation for lazy people, have hooked up together and come up with the PUMA (Personal Urban Mobility And Accessibility). The Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility machine will run on batteries and wi-fi, which will enable you to communicate with other vehicles, and give you 25 miles on a single charge.

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Certi-Fly Entertainment™

Certi-Fly Entertainment™ (C.F.E.)
 was founded in Fall 2007 and has been established in Spring 2008 in the US and has gradually spread its light over in the UK. Certi-Fly Ent strives to exhibit the different aspects of entertainment worldwide. We plan to simultaneously educate and entertain the people within the entertainment community through programs, activities, Certi-Fly music, event/celebrations and much more. We are here to protect the interest of our community as well as yours. Therefore join our C.F.E. (Changing the Faces of Entertainment) movement to reshape entertainment and our community. Thanks to everyone who helps supports C.F.E!